
ACOS7 MOC Combi-Card

(168,19  vč. DPH)

Speciální typ čipové procesorové karty ACOS7 navržené především pro automatizované jízdenkové systémy - AFC (Automated Fare Collection). Karta má duální rozhraní (ISO 7816, ISO 14443) a je ideální pro potřeby veřejné dopravy po celém světě. Karta ACOS7 je certifikovaná Ministry of Construction (MoC) of China.

  • Full 8 KB of EEPROM for application data
  • Compliance with ISO 7816 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4
    • Switchable baud rate from 9600 to 115200 bps is supported
    • ISO 7816 Part 4 file structures support:  Transparent, Linear fixed, Linear Variable, Cyclic.
  • Compliance with ISO 14443 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4
    • Fully compatible with ISO 14443 Type A
    • Supports T=CL protocol according to ISO 14443-4
    • Data transfer rate: 106 kbps, 212 kbps, 424 kbps and 848 kbps
  • DES / Triple DES capability
  • Hardware based random number generator compliant to FIPS 140-2
  • Secure Messaging function ensuring data transfers are confidential and authenticated
  • PBOC e-Deposit and e-Purse payment application support
  • Compliance with Ministry of Construction (MoC) Standard
  • Compliance with the technical requirements for chip operating system of CPU card in construction case
  • Multi-level secured access hierarchy
  • Anti-tearing function support


Product Presentation (PPE_ACOS7_v1.05.pdf, 1,390 Kb) [Stáhnout]

Functional specification (FSP_ACOS7_MOC_v1.02.pdf, 367 Kb) [Stáhnout]
