Tokens, KeyFobs

$1.12 ($1.36 inc tax)
NFC Sticker - NTAG203 PVC label 15x13mm
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$1.36 ($1.64 inc tax)
125 kHz
EM Marine contactless RFID KeyFob. 125 kHz EM4102 compatible TK4100 red, UID numbering.
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$1.36 ($1.64 inc tax)
125 kHz
EM Marine contactless RFID KeyFob. 125 kHz EM4102 ISO10536 Blue
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$1.82 ($2.21 inc tax)
Contactless Mifare ® 1K smart card in KeyFob form. Red, round.
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$1.87 ($2.26 inc tax)
Contactless Mifare ® 1K smart card in KeyFob form. Red, round, UID numbering.
In stock

$2.10 ($2.55 inc tax)
125 kHz
EM Marine contactless RFID KeyFob. 125 kHz EM4102 ISO10536 White
In stock

$2.10 ($2.55 inc tax)
125 kHz
EM Marine contactless RFID KeyFob. 125 kHz EM4102 compatible TK4100 red/white
In stock

$2.29 ($2.77 inc tax)
Contactless Mifare ® 1K smart card in KeyFob form. Version round and bigger.
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$2.76 ($3.34 inc tax)
13.56 MHz
Contactless Mifare ® 1K smart card in KeyFob form. Blue - smaller version.
In stock

$2.76 ($3.34 inc tax)
Contactless Mifare ® 1K smart card in KeyFob form. Transparent black.
Out of stock

$2.76 ($3.34 inc tax)
13.56 MHz
Contactless Mifare ® 1K smart card in KeyFob form. Red/white, round. UID numbering
Out of stock

$3.13 ($3.79 inc tax)
125 kHz
Contactless EM4200 (EM4102) smart card in KeyFob form - Epoxy fiberglass - heavy duty.
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$3.23 ($3.90 inc tax)
Contactless Mifare ® 1K smart card in KeyFob form - Epoxy fiberglass - heavy duty.
In stock

$18.23 ($22.06 inc tax)
13.56 MHz
RFID NFC temperature tag for Covid-19 Patient Thermometer Tracing.
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$31.28 ($37.84 inc tax)
CryptoMate Nano Cryptographic USB Token is a lightweight USB token with the FIPS 140-2 Level 3-Certified ACOS5-64 v3.00 module that provides a strong authentication solution.
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$35.95 ($43.50 inc tax)
CryptoMate EVO Cryptographic USB Token is a lightweight USB token with the FIPS 140-2 Level 3-Certified ACOS5-64 v3.00 module that provides a strong authentication solution.
In stock